
Archive for the ‘Interview’ Category






[Trans] 130822 Henry
KKBOXHK Interview – Part 1 –
Music and performance
Title: The Multi-talented
Super Junior-M Henry
[Intro not interesting, so
not translating]
Q: This is your first solo
album and you’re also the
first SM Entertainment
artist to have a solo debut in
13 years. How do you feel?
A: I wasn’t under a lot of
pressure at first, but after
hearing you describe me in
that way, I do feel that I’m
carrying a tremendous
burden. That’s why I’ve spent
a lot of time preparing for
this album. I want to bring
the best music and stages to
the audience. At the moment,
I feel that I haven’t done too
badly. I’m not only speaking
of the title song, ‘Trap’, but
also other songs on the album
which I composed. Most of my
time was spent on the
composition process.
Although there are only 6
songs on the album, we
actually recorded 17/18
songs from which we chose
the best 6. A lot of time was
also spent on deciding what
concepts would best match
with the musical style.
Q: Of the 6 songs, which is
your favorite?
A: I don’t have a favorite
because each song has its
own unique style. When I feel
like having fun, I listen to
‘Ready 2 Love’ because it
reminds me of club music.
When I feel a bit down, I
listen to ‘I Would’. If I’m out
having fun with friends, I
listen to ‘Holiday’.
Q: You’re able to sing, dance,
compose music and lyrics.
That’s very multi-talented.
How would you describe your
musical style?
A: I’d say that I’m not tied
down by one particular style
as I enjoy a variety of styles.
What has influenced me the
most is American pop music,
hip hop and R&B etc. Because
my personality is pretty
outgoing, I prefer music that
is rhythmically strong.
Recently, I’ve been listening
to Justin Timberlake’s new
album. He’s really cool. As for
Hong Kong artists, I’ve
enjoyed Jackie Cheung’s
music since I was a child. He
is just superb and my
favorite song of his is ‘A
Goodbye Kiss’.
Q: Where do you derive your
inspiration when writing
A: A lot of times, I get it from
listening to other people’s
music. When I hear something
that I like, I’d think, “I have
to rush back to the studio and
compose a new song!” Often,
I get inspired when I’m
overseas, just like arriving in
HK today and looking at the
ocean view immediately made
me want to return to the
studio and compose a song
about HK.
Q: When did you begin taking
an interest in music?
A: I started violin lessons
when I was 5, piano lessons
when I was 6. At that time, I
wasn’t totally immersed
because it was my mom who
made me take lessons. It
wasn’t until when I was 10
and won an award at a
competition that I truly
began developing an interest
in music. As for composing, I
only started learning after I
arrived in Korea. I didn’t
particularly have a huge
interest in popular music (nor
was I really exposed to it)
before arriving in Korea.
After that, I began producing
pop music. It must have been
5 or 6 years since I began
composing. At that point, I
had debuted for 2-3 years
and craved a breakthrough,
and also really wanted to
create my own music.
Q: How do you prepare
yourself before a
A: It’s very important for me
to fully prepare for every
aspect of my performance. In
the past when I performed
with Super Junior-M, I only
needed to do my own part
well. This time, I perform on
my own from beginning to
end. Since I have to sing and
dance at the same time, I
often ran out of breath in
the middle when I first
started practising. That was
why since a year ago, I began
training myself by singing as
I jogged. Right now, I can
manage but still need to
continue to practise.

Q: Do you often come to HK?
What’s your impression of the
A: I do have a lot of relatives
and friends here, so I come to
see them whenever I have
time. There aren’t that many
opportunities for us to meet.
My favorite activity is going
for dim sum. Chicken feet and
fried dumplings are really
delicious! On this trip, I will
be eating lots (laugh).
Q: Who is the most important
person in your life?
A: To me, the most important
people are my family – my dad,
mom, older brother and
younger sister. In the music
world, there are too many
whom I consider important.
For example, producers like
Justin Timberlake and Red
One give me lots of
inspiration and I study how
they compose.
Q: You just said that your
music brings joy to people.
How would you describe your
A: Outgoing and fun, and I
easily get close to people. I
also have a lot of interests. I
enjoy photography, producing
videos and I hope that I can
direct music videos and micro
blog films in the future. If
the opportunity arises, I’d
love to try acting and fashion
design too. There are too
many things I want to do.
Q: What you just named are
your personal dreams?
A: I’m the type who only has
goals, not dreams. Dreams
can only be had when asleep
and when you wake up, all you
can do is day-dream about
those things. When you
transform your dreams into
goals, they become realities
that you can strive for,
things that you can achieve.
When there is something that
I want to do, I definitely
charge ahead without
hesitation, and decide on the
best strategy to ensure that
I succeed.


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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

K: Henry! Welcome back!
H: Hi! I am Henry! It has been so long! I am back!
K: When you walked into this studio, you must have memories popped out, did you?
H: Yes, memories just came out all in a sudden.
K: You were dressing casually back then, but now, Henry is wearing formally in a suit! Very handsome!
H: yeah, I want to be a little bit more mature this time. Working on it now.
K: you all are willing to be more mature like a man. In contrast, I am wearing a baseball cap to pretend that I am still young. Hahahah~ Although Henry is wearing a suit this time, we still can find the cute and naughty part of him is not changed. And Henry has become more mature and confident.
H: Really?
K: It has to be seen from the others. Your confidence comes out from the great achievement of music that you have done.
H: (didn’t get it)
K: (explained again) you have to be more confident! You have written so many great songs! or else you will soon be lack of confidence again when you find your Chinese ability is not as good as before when you are back in Taiwan.
H: I haven’t spoke Chinese for so long because I mainly stay in Korea now. That’s why I am a bit nervous this time.
K: It’s ok, you have more times than the other members this time. Hope to see a huge progress after one week!
H: Hopefully!
K: However, he is leaving again same time next week.
H: Sigh, I don’t want to leave here.
K: Do you miss all the “long stay” old days?
H: Of course! Members talked a lot about the great times we had during long stay.
K: It’s like a vacation you had, right?
H: Yeah, did exercising,went jogging, and playing basketball with our fans. Also playing computer games with Kyuhyun…oh, so many memories.
K: Right, it has to be more meaningful to you because Taiwan is your hometown.
H: Right. I am more nervous performing here in Taiwan compare with all the times in Korea. And I just don’t know why.
K: And the reason is?
H: I think maybe I want to do better, to do it perfectly.
K: That’s one thing, and the other is you haven’t used Chinese for too long. You need to do some warm up.
H: It’s getting better, gradually though.
K: Is any of your family members here?
H: My mom and my sister are here for summer vacation, but I haven’t got a chance to call them. Really tight schedule. I think its good to have more schedule, and I asked the company to do so, to have more chances meeting up with fans.
K: We talked a lot in the past, and I am always hoping to see you have something on your own, no matter is a solo album or drama acting. Now I see you walking directly on this track, and completed parts of them, It’s good, pretty good.
H: To have this solo album, I do think it’s a great chance for me. And many many thanks to all of your support. There will be no Tarp album without your support.
K: Your fans send lots of your albums to me. I have so many “Henry” back in my house. They are afraid of I don’t have one, so ever since the day the Korean version album was published, I started to receive CDs from them.
H: My fans are good! They are Jjang! Jjang in Korean means very good!
K: Sounds similar to Taiwanese, we say Zang!
H: Oh~~ Zang Jjang! Same meaning! My fans are Jiang?! Oops, sounds like they are dirty…no no (pronunciation issue)
K: Your mom must know it, Zang!
H: I have one more Trap album to give you, but this one is different. It has my sign on it! You can also take a look at my pictures~hahah
K: Hahahahah~ I have seen them for so many times!
H: We have been preparing for this solo album for more than a year and a half. It was an ongoing secret project when I was participating SJM activities. It’s not happened all in a sudden, but with full preparation.
K: How did you feel when the company tells you ” hey Henry, it’s time for your solo debut!”? ( to have your own album)
H: It’s not like that actually. I have always been willing to do my own music , the music that I like, ever since I debuted. Suju music is great though, but I still hope to show who I really am. To identify “who Henry is” to the publics. I have never stop practicing singing, dancing, and kept on writing songs. And I recorded all of these in order to present to the decision makers of our company.
K: wow! Is it true? You have to do all these yourself?
H: I have been doing this for more than 4 years! Just to show my boss that I really can do it well! Keep doing keep doing all these for 4 years, and finally I got the answer from the big boss – “Wow, Henry, you are ready now, I will give you a chance.” And it happened that I got this song “Trap” and some other 5 or 6 songs that are ready. And then came this solo album, it is not really like a fairy tale that some day the company said ” Oh Henry, let’s do your own album!.” I have been trying really hard to earn this chance.
K: Now I see. It is not easy to be seen from a group, so you gotta know some ways to show yourself.
K: What we have learnt from Henry is never stop trying to grab the chance.
H: I think there is nothing impossible if you do it seriously and put as much efforts as you can.
Ken: I know many of Henry’s fans would like to call-in, but we’ve got too much to talk about in such a short time. Your new song “Trap”, you cooperate with Kyuhyun and Taemin this time, is it the company’s or your idea?
H: well, the company recommended these two ppl, and I do feel they are more than just qualified for this. Kyuhyun is one of the suju members, so we are quite close. I know he’s good. As for Taemin, its our first time work closely together, and I found he’s such a talented singer and dancer. And also he’s very good looking!
K: Sometimes I feel its quite lonely to be a music producer. The way of creating and brain storming is not easy~ I am glad to know that you’ve got some good partners to work together with! And there are so many good performers in your company that you can learn from, as well as all the resources that SM could provide. You will be doing even better of producing music, I truly believe so. You will be staying in Taiwan for a week, and will meet with your fans on Aug.13. Do you know it’s Chinese Valentine’s Day?
H: oh~ what day? Mmm…. I chose this day on purposely! (evil grin) Valentine’s day~
K: The fan meeting will be held at the water show square of Miramar Mall, gotta be somewhere under the ferris wheel?!
H: yeah, maybe. Hahahahah
K: Seems like you haven’t been to that place, right?
H: not yet.
K: Ok, you will see a big ferris wheel at that place, and there’s a square under it. All the fans who like Henry, don’t be hesitate to join in this event at 7pm on Aug. 13!
H: oh yes! I heard that the temperature of today is a record high, isn’t is?
K: Yes, almost 40 degrees!
H: I have to say sorry about this. It’s all because of the fans are so passionate to welcome me here in Taiwan. I am so sorry~~~
K: So the temperature will still be high for the upcoming week, and its all because of HENRY is here! Especially the night of Aug. 13! If you buy Henry’s new mini solo album, you will get a series code. Sent it with some key words to participate in the lucky draw for winning a chance of getting CD signed by Henry on that day. Only 100 lucky ppl will be chosen. For more info., you may check it online at Avex official website.
H: Yes!
K: If I let you introduce this event yourself, it may takes more than an hour to do so~
H: Hahahahah, thank you then.
K: you look forward to it?
H: the fan meeting?
K: Chinese Valentine’s day!
H: Oh sure! Actually, I love all the events that I can meet closely with my fans.
K: I got a message from a friend who watched your part of Showbiz today. He/she asked me to
help with your poor Chinese! Anyway, I feel it’s actually quite okay after talking to you tonight. Fighting!
H: It (Chinese ability) will be coming back soon, hopefully~
K: Thanks for Henry being staying with us tonight!
H: thank you! Bye

(Trans by Jamie Lee)

CREDIT HenryLauFansPage


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